Senin, 01 Februari 2016

Me today

Posted by cuap-cuap ratih on 23.51 with 7 comments
Iam not feeling well today. Actually, it has been a few days ago because I'm in period. But I enjoy it. Not like usual, now I’m unemployed. I spand my time for me and my family. Double enjoyment!

As usual this morning I woke my husband and children to morning prayer. Actually after that I want to sleep again. But I went into the kitchen to prepare breakfast. I walked with my eyes half closed, but my hands already know what will be done. My brain has been programmed.

The sun shy to appear and hide behind the clouds. But with smoldering fires my daughter went to school. I drove her to school without bathing, hihi it only took 10 minutes to school n back home.

Sometimes the pain is gone and come again, so I’am taking analgetics. I actually do not do alot of activities today. I get a rest. I check email n read some tiny book at the dinner table, Ensiklopedia bocah muslim books. Or I read some post of my ODOP friends.

By afternoon, I pick up my daughter from school. Another son, he stay in my old brother in law house for couple days. his school were closed because event tryout for grade 9.

At night, bang syaiha contact me, for redesign my blog as wish by one of his student. And I’m very happy. Someday I will make another blog which it built by me. Not only student who have homework, I also have homework too. Learning about blog, more frequent and creative writing.

7 kiat membentuk pribadi sukses menurut Abdullah Gymnastiar: tenang, terencana, terampil, tertib, tekun, tegar, dan tawadhu.

I hope become a better person by what I do.

#good Night

#ODOP#Smoldering February  

7 komentar:

  1. Iam not feeling well today. This has actually been a few day coz the montly pain alias coming moon hehehe I can do just enjoy it. Not like usual, now I’m unemployed. But I work give my time to my family and myself. Double enjoy!

    Saya cuma kasih koreksi dikit ( Dasar grammar nazi saya ini)

    I am not feeling well today. Actually, it has been few days ago because I'm in period. But i enjoy it.

    I spend my time for me and my family.Double enjoyment

  2. Thanks febie.. Butuh keberanian buat sy bikin pake bahasa inggris tp sy pingin coba.

  3. Bisa mewujudkan sesuatu Yang membutuhkan keberanian itu...kereeeen banget mba

  4. Yaaa ampun.. Di baca ulang ini masih kaku bgt ya.. Konsen ke bahasa inggris nya. Aamiiin Rifa..mdh2an selalu bisa py stok keberanian itu Dari aq yg minim ekspresi ini. *hehe berdoa untuk diri sendiri

  5. Yaaa ampun.. Di baca ulang ini masih kaku bgt ya.. Konsen ke bahasa inggris nya. Aamiiin Rifa..mdh2an selalu bisa py stok keberanian itu Dari aq yg minim ekspresi ini. *hehe berdoa untuk diri sendiri

  6. Keren tulisannya. Walau nggak ngerti tata bahasanya, cuma paham maksudnya aja. Maklum, sudah lama tak diasah bahasa inggrisnya.. *alesan

  7. Hehe mba Ella.. Ini juga di bantuin sama kamus, mknya rada2 Tarzan yg penting jd tulisan. Grammernya emang ga khatam2 belajarnya ;p
